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Keiner Encarnasion-Sosa在易胜博娱乐分校选择了项目和供应链管理作为他的专业,因为他利用了学生的经验和活动,让他接触到了不同的职业.

Credit: Penn State

ABINGTON, Pa. - Keiner Encarnasion-Sosa知道他想在商业领域工作,但他不确定自己的重点领域. 多亏了他第一年的必修课和选修课以及主要的探索经历 Penn State Abington, he found the Project and Supply Chain Management program.. 

He credits the faculty and staff who lead PSU 1, 第一学期学生必修的一学分研讨会, and the ACHIEVE program through the Student Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (SODEI) for providing him with the tools, he said.

“我在PSU 1的课程中被分配了关于职业的项目,并通过与PSU 1类似的ACHIEVE职业和专业探索项目. I did research on different jobs, and I was able to figure out what appealed to me,” Encarnasion-Sosa said. 

项目和供应链管理专业的学生学习如何驾驭复杂的整合操作,为全球组织开发有效的供应链网络. 对于Encarnasion-Sosa来说,这是一个令人大开眼界的发现. 

“I like how broad the field is, there are so many job opportunities, and almost every industry can use these skills. Right now, 我对军事和国防组织以及制药公司感兴趣,” he said. 

At Abington’s annual fall Internship and Career Fair, Encarnasion-Sosa表示,他计划与NAVSUP的代表会面, the global logistics network for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Joint and Allied Forces. 费城的大型设施雇佣了文职和军事人员. 

During the last two years, Encarnasion-Sosa发现,与教师的联系是有回报的,他的课程支持他的目标. 

“MIS 204(管理信息系统导论)是我上过的最有趣的课. 我们的老师帮助我们深入研究项目,并从不同的层面来考察它们. My microeconomic policy course was taught by Oak Pongsree, and he gave us great advice,” he said.  

我喜欢项目管理和供应链管理的广阔领域, there are so many job opportunities, and almost every industry can use these skills.

—Keiner Encarnasion-Sosa , Penn State student

Like many first-generation college students, Encarnasion-Sosa发现向高等教育的过渡具有挑战性, he said.

“作为第一代玩家压力很大,因为你不想让任何人失望. 高中和大学是如此的不同,我在家里没有人分享我的经历. 大学第一门课不及格会让你产生疑问:“我真的属于这里吗??’ But last semester had a 3.1 GPA,” he said. 

恩卡纳西恩-索萨通过他的决心和在阿宾顿可利用的支持反弹. During his first semester, 他会去上课,然后马上回费城的家, but he quickly made changes to his routine.

“I joined SODEI's I’m First group for first-gen college students, 是什么让我认识了和我有同样挣扎的人,从而变得更加开放,” he said. 

Later, Encarnasion-Sosa成为了SODEI的学生大使, which involved planning, logistics and collaboration, and the work related broadly to his major. SODEI工作人员选择他在费城坦普尔大学举行的包容性领导会议上发言. 

A year ago, he was asked to join the Welcome Peer Leaders, 一项指导和指导计划,将一年级学生与在读学生配对,以支持他们的过渡. That led to a part-time job in Academic Advising

“从事学术咨询工作使我能够进入专业领域,帮助学生制定切合实际的时间表,并为他们提供学生的视角和课堂反馈,” said Encarnasion-Sosa, 他还在拉丁裔学生组织和兄弟会中担任领导职务. 

导师对Encarnasion-Sosa的成长至关重要, and he said he is grateful to SODEI staff and to Chris Walters, the senior coordinator for the Student Success Office, for their advice and opportunities. 


索萨在阿宾顿的经历证明了他可以拥有一切,他说. 他选择在离家近的地方上大学,既是为了省钱,也是为了离家人近,同时还能提高职业发展所需的技能. 他建议新生通过接触校园社区来解决他们的恐惧和挑战. 

“参与其中可以打开很多大门和机会. 它帮助我在学业上和适应大学生活. 一定要和你的导师见面,因为他们会督促你做到最好。. 

About Penn State Abington 

Penn State Abington provides an affordable, 无障碍和高影响力的教育导致多元化学生群体的成功. 它致力于通过创新的方法在世界一流的研究型大学内实现21世纪公立高等教育的学生成功. With more than 3,100 students, 易胜博娱乐分校是一所住宿校园,提供25个专业的学士学位, accelerated master's degrees, undergraduate research, the Schreyer Honors College, NCAA Division III athletics and more.

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